Portfolio of Dr Willie van Niekerk
Name & initials
Dr Willie (WCA) van Niekerk
- BSc, University of Potchefstroom (South Africa), 1966
- BSc Hons, University of Potchefstroom (South Africa), 1967
- MSc, University of Potchefstroom (South Africa), 1968
- PhD, University of South Africa, 1974
- Qualified Environmental Professional (Environmental Toxicology QEP), certified by the Institute of Professional Environmental Practice (IPEP), 1996
Career History
- Soil and Irrigation Research Institute, 1968 to 1971
- Atomic Energy Board, 1971 to 1982
- SMM Instruments, 1982 to 1984
- Atomic Energy Corporation, 1984 to August 1997
- INFOTOX, 1995 to 1997 (Consulting Scientist)
- INFOTOX, August 1997 onwards (Managing Director)
International Experience
- Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1980: Visiting scientist, participated in Love Canal environmental pollution studies
Visited research institutes and other organisations in the USA, England, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Visits relating specifically to environmental sciences and technologies:
- United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 1991
- RIVM, The Netherlands, 1991
- Severn Trent Water, UK, 1991
- Battelle, Columbus, Ohio, USA,1993
- University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, 1993, 1996
- USA Geological Survey, Virginia, USA, 1993
- Triangle Laboratories, North Carolina, USA, 1993
- USEPA, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 1996, 1997, 2003
- TERA, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 1996, 1997, 2003
- Horiba, Frankfurt, Germany, 2002
- Rupprecht & Patashnick, Albany, New York, USA, 2002
- Health and Safety Executive, UK, 2002
- NIOSH, Centres for Disease Control, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2003
- Mine Health and Safety Association, Washington DC, USA, 2003
- Specialist consultation work on health risk assessment in Cameroon, Jamaica, Namibia and Zambia
Academic involvement
- Part-time Professor in Chemistry, teaching on the chemistry and toxicology of hazardous waste, Vista University, 1997 to 1997
- Co-promotor for post-graduate students
- External examiner for post-graduate theses
Professional Registrations
- Institute of Professional Environmental Practice (USA), Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP)
- South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP)