Portfolio of Dricky Simpson
Name & initials
Dricky Simpson
- Nat Dip Medical Technology Medunsa University 1986
- Higher Dip Medical Technology, Pretoria Technikon 1991
- Higher Dip Quality Assurance, Pretoria Technikon 1995
Career History
- Institute of Veterinary Science, Onderstepoort: 1969 to 1971 (Toxicological Science)
- Kibbutz Nagal Oz Israel: 1972 to 1975
- Faculty of Veterinary Science, Onderstepoort, University of Pretoria: 1975 to 1978 (Toxicology and Pharmacology)
- SA Bureau of Standards (SABS): 1978 to 1979 (Pesticides and Toxicology)
- Medical Pathology: 1979 to 1994 (Haematology and Biochemistry)
- INFOTOX: 1995 to 2001 (Consulting Scientist)
- INFOTOX: 2001 to 2007 (Director)
- INFOTOX: 2008 to current (Financial Director)
International Experience
- USEPA, Cincinnati Ohio USA 1996, 1997, 2003
- TERA, Cincinnati Ohio USA 1996, 1997, 2003
- Jamaica, establishment for environmental legislation for the West Indian Islands 1997
- Horiba, Frankford Germany 2002
- Rupprecht and Patashnick Albany new York State USA 2002
- Health and Safety Executive Sheffield UK 2002
- Diesel exposure workshop, Louisville Kentucky USA
- Centre of Disease Control Cincinnati Ohio USA 2003
- Mine Health and Safety Association Washington DC USA 2003
- Data Collection for an epidemiology study for occupational cancer in the metal processing industry 2004 Hotsprings Arkansas USA
- Botswana, baseline health status assessment in rural villages 2008
Previous Projects and Experience
- Diesel exhaust emission exposure in underground mines
- Epidemiological investigation of vanadium pentoxide exposure in vanadium industries
- Multiple exposures of workers in mining industries
- Adverse health effects associated with chromium exposure
- Adverse health effects associated with magnesium exposure
- Adverse health effects associated with mercury exposure
- Health effects of carbon monoxide
- Specific field experience to determine health status in communities
- Questionnaire development for community health surveys
- Baseline health studies in rural communities
- Assessment of potential risks to game/wildlife exposed to air emissions from a proposed coal-fired power station
- Field work involving multiple sampling collections
- Extensive experience in Data Quality Objectives and Sampling Plans
- GHS classification of industrial wastes
- Adverse health effects of hydrogen sulfide in landfill sites and other industries
- Sample collection for the determination of VOCs and semi VOCs in soil
- Since 2008 INFOTOX financial management