Community Health
The baseline health status of the community is useful to assess potential future health impacts associated with proposed large industrial developments, e.g., mines and coal-fired electrical power plants. The results of such studies also form a point of reference for potential future improvements in the health status of the community, because of expected improvements in health services, or expected improvements in the socio-economic status of a community benefitting from improved rates of employment.
INFOTOX has conducted extensive field studies to address potential risks and impacts to affected communities due to activities related to proposed industrial projects. Studies conducted in rural villages assessed the health status through selected medical examinations; determined the nutritional status, and assessed the availability and adequacy of health care facilities, bearing in mind the proposed industrial development and influx of people. Groups of individuals can also be identified that are at risk of being differentially or disproportionately affected by the project, because of their disadvantaged or vulnerable status.
INFOTOX also assessed exposure of members of the community and workers to toxic substances through biological monitoring that involved the collection of blood and urine samples for subsequent pathology laboratory analysis. The resultant pathology reports were interpreted with regard to reflected exposure levels and potentially associated health risks. Results and interpretations can also confirm the lack of potential health risks. The risks, or the lack of risks, as well as potential mitigation measures, are reported to the client for communication with the communities or authorities, depending on the needs of the client.